Do you like to play with differences in colour tone, structure and depth? Then oak veneer is just the thing for you! This product is so versatile that it will bring a unique touch to any new interior, project after project.
A touch of class in many forms
Oak veneer is used to create finishes that are unique and look fresh. In addition to the traditional band-saw pattern, many other finishes are possible today. Just consider brushed, sawed, smoked or scratched patterns. Each of these processes has its own impact on the color tone and surface structure of the wood.
Of course, this means that oak veneer comes in countless forms – ranging in wood colour from nearly white to almost black, and from minimal to complex structure and depth… Whatever the outcome, the result will always be an interior full of life and rich in character.
The secret of an authentic look
Unlike high-pressure laminate, to name but one example, oak veneer adds a natural and delicate touch of authenticity to an interior.
The secret ingredient are the wood’s own growth rings, which alternate between hard and soft. If you either brush or sandblast the wood, for example, both structure types will alternate with each other. This creates the relief effect you want. Also, since no two treatments are the same, each result will be one of a kind.

Stain for a natural color
To give the wood a certain color and look, we usually first apply a layer of staining to the wood. This staining can be very light and natural, but also very dark and warm. If so desired, we then go over it with a matt varnish.
Attention: horizontal use
Oak veneer can be used for interiors in every way possible. However, do keep in mind that brushed or sandblasted oak veneer is not easy to clean when applied horizontally, due to the material’s relief structure. A typically problematic example: using oak veneer for the top surface of a desk.